For women who desire deep healing from the inside out

Is this you?

Are you experiencing a chronic health issue and losing hope about the possibility of truly healing the root issue?

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything and like nothing has really worked?

Are you searching through the endless sources of information trying to figure out how to heal yourself?

If so, you’re in the right place.

I’ve been there and have so much for compassion for those in a similar situation. I was in the thick of autoimmune disease and its impacts for years. I thought I could handle it and heal all on my own. It turns out that wasn’t the best way.

Coaching helped me come back to myself and gave me clarity on the steps needed to move forward to improve my health by giving a safe space to explore what was going on internally and externally. Now I have regained trust in my body and know how to care for it better than ever before. 

This is totally possible for you.


This is not about a bandaid solution for your symptoms or a one size fits all prescription on how to live. It’s about trusting your body so deeply that you know you know you can handle any situation life gives you. It’s about learning and honoring the intricacies of your beautifully unique body and being. It’s about thriving instead of just surviving.

This is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give yourself.

Your body is designed to heal. You were made to live a life that makes your soul sing. It can be a challenging road to achieve true well-being but it is so worth it. You are worth it.


Certified coach, van-lifer, earth honorer, dancer, student of life, soul deep diver, novice sewer, truth seeker and nurturer of your healing and wellbeing

It is truly an honor for me to create a space where you can embark on a journey of self-healing. My purpose is to assist you in accessing the inherent wisdom within yourself and reflecting back what I notice. Having personally traversed the path of chronic health challenges, I understand the importance of not going on this path alone. My intention is to be a guiding light alongside you on this journey, radiating love, compassion, and hope.

Bloom Session

Complimentary offering where you will leave with a shifted and empowering mindset around your health. My gift to you!

6 Week Container

 Accelerated healing and transformation for those who wants to reset and make a big shift out of their current experience.

6 Month Container

For those who want deep, life-changing shifts at the core of their being and consistent support to elevate their health.


  • I can’t recommend Brittany’s life coaching enough! She’s helped me breakthrough and change major mental narratives. Through working with Brittany, she helped me realize where these blockages came from, how they were holding me back, and guided me to create new narratives. If you are ready to make serious changes and progress in your life, you've got to work with Brittany!

    Mary Claire

  • My favorite part about working with Brittany was knowing and trusting that no matter how I showed up to the session she would be there to hold me in a sacred space. She is masterful in her ability to hold space in a non-judgmental and nourishing way. I would recommend anyone to Brittany who is ready to up-level their life in a meaningful and impactful way.


  • Working with Brittany as my coach has been nothing short of transformative. I wholeheartedly recommend Brittany's coaching to anyone who is seeking to clarify their path, explore their potential, and create a more authentic and purposeful life. Her nurturing guidance has been a game-changer, and I'm grateful for the enlightening journey we've taken together.


  • Brittany’s coaching style helped me visualize my goals and connect with my body, which was a surprising and impactful transformation. I learned the importance of tapping into my intuition, which I was guided towards during our sessions and helped me make decisions with clarity. Brittany's ability to guide me in breaking down complex goals into manageable steps was invaluable as well.


  • Through coaching, Brittany was able to show me how beneficial it is to have patience with yourself and your growth. She offered a different perspective on the thoughts and feelings that get tangled up in my head, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Her kind energy creates the safe space that is needed for growth. Brittany is an amazing person to help you find your clarity.
